
The Fiftieth Anniversary of Vatican Council II

Photo: CNS

As you may be aware, 2012 marks the 50th year since Vatican Council II. I'm grateful to Deacon Greg for linking us to a new site, Conciliaria, under the direction of Deacon Eric Stoltz.

As I grow older I become more and more aware of what a blessing it was to have lived through the Council (I was in high school at the time) and to have experienced its unfolding in the life of the Church.  I also become more aware of how many people in my parish have pre-Conciliar birth dates!

The adult faith formation program being planned for 2012-2013 in my parish will focus on the Council, its documents and our pastoral experience of the same.  Watch for similiar offerings in your parish and diocese.

Conciliaria will serve as a good companion for all of us in this golden anniversary year.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this link. I've signed up. I received my First Communion at the time of the Second Vatican Council. I consider myself fortunate to have grown up in a church that was excited and enervated by the fruits of that time; whatever the detractors of VII may say, my own experience of the faith it gave me laid the foundations of something precious and brimming over with hope. My hope in the institutional church is frayed at the edges these days,(just like myself),but who knows where the Spirit is leading us ?


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