On his blog this week, Cardinal Sean O'Malley offers yet another post regarding Question 2 on the November 6 Massachusetts ballot, the question on physician assisted suicide. Below I've listed the titles of the ten reasons Cardinal Sean proposes for voting No on Question 2. Each of these titles heads a fuller explanation which I encourage you to read on his page.
You'll find Cardinal Sean's previous posts on this topic (with video) here, here, here, here and here.
Ten reasons to oppose Question 2
There are many groups opposing the legalization of assisted suicide in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and that are urging a "No on Question 2" vote this Nov. 6. In total, more than 100 reasons to oppose this ballot measure have been shared with me since we began our educational efforts on this issue. Some arguments are based on principle, others on prudence, and still others on process — and all of them are valid. Today, I want to share with you ten of the most compelling. In turn, I encourage you to share these reasons with all those you know between now and Election Day.
(1) Question 2 would legalize assisted suicide; suicide is always a tragedy and never a dignified way to die.
(2) Suicide always impacts others beyond the individual that takes his or her life. Proponents of
(3) Doctors strongly oppose assisted suicide and Question 2.
(4) Advocates for the disabled strongly oppose assisted suicide and Question 2.
(5) Terminal diagnoses are often wrong.
(6) Question 2 is shockingly flawed.
(7) Question 2 does not require a patient to consult with a psychiatrist or palliative care expert before receiving the lethal prescription.
(8) Question 2 does not require family notification.
(9) Assisted suicide would weaken efforts to expand and improve palliative care.
(10) Complex issues like assisted suicide should be decided in a legislative process rather than a ballot initiative.
Read the complete post on on the Cardinal's blog.
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