
Praying 10 minutes today: FRIDAY 12/14

Find a quiet time and place to pray... take a few deep breaths...
be still... and know that God is near...

Something a little different for today's 10 minutes of prayer!

Jan Richardson is an artist, poet, writer of prayers.  I recommend her work at The Painted Prayerbook and at The Advent Door.  The word for today's reflection and guided prayer are from Richardson's writing....

A word to reflect on:  
How are you waiting? Where is your waiting leading you? In this season, how are you making a space for stillness and for listening, that you might know what you need to wait for and how God is calling you to participate in what God is bringing about?  (Read the whole reflection here)

 (Before moving on to the blessing prayer below,
   spend some quiet time with the reflection  above...)

Blessing for Waiting

Who wait

for the night

to end

bless them.

Who wait

for the night

to begin

bless them.

Who wait

in the hospital room
who wait

in the cell

who wait

in prayer

bless them.

Who wait

for news

who wait
for the phone call
who wait

for a word

who wait

for a job

a house
a child

bless them.

Who wait

for one who

will come home
who wait

for one who

will not come home

bless them.

Who wait with fear
who wait with joy

who wait with peace

who wait with rage
who wait for the end

who wait for the beginning

who wait alone

who wait together

bless them.

Who wait

without knowing

what they wait for

or why

bless them.

Who wait

when they

should not wait

who wait

when they should be

in motion

who wait

when they need

to rise

who wait

when they need

to set out

bless them.

Who wait

for the end

of waiting

who wait

for the fullness

of time

who wait

emptied and

open and

who wait

for you

o bless.

- Jan Richardson

To ponder and pray over...
For what am I waiting this Advent?
How am I waiting this Advent? 
Where is my waiting leading me?
In Jan's blessing prayer above,
   where did I find myself waiting?
What will I ask of the Lord today?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
   to carry through the rest of my day?

(After you spend some time with these questions,
   pray the reflection above one more time...)

Here are some tips for praying 10 minutes a day.  If you find these daily prayer reminders helpful, please let me know - and share them with others.  You'll find an archive of these daily posts here.

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