
From my Jar of Blessings

May I share a few of my blessings with you? 

(I'll be printing this out and putting it in my "jar of blessings" (above and here and here) for sure!)

- A woman approached me in church before one of our Sunday Masses to share with me that this was the first time she'd been to Mass in over 20 years.  I welcomed her warmly and asked, "What brings you back today?"  She replied, so simply, "God brought me back today."

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

- Three members of my own family (an uncle and two aunts) were at the 11:30 Mass this past Sunday.  It's such a joy for me when family members pray with my parish and I'm able to share with them in the work I do as pastor...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

- I received an email from a man who'd been at Mass this weekend but who acknowledged that his attendance record was spotty at best.  He wrote that another pastor had told him years ago that the reason we should come to Mass on the Lord's Day was that we all need a community to pray with.  My e-mailer wrote that after the 5:00 Mass at Holy Family, he understood that for the first time...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

- Another faithful reader sent kind words from the west coast of how my blog has been part of her prayer life for some three years now.  The internet can certainly be a friend to the mystical Body of Christ!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 

- Part of a very busy day included "first meetings" with two engaged couples.  What a joy to speak with them and hear the story of their love, their hopes and their questions about faith and the sacrament of marriage...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

- This very busy day was made lighter and smoother by three people who helped me with some grunt work - which they did with smiles, laughter and all around good spirits!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

- At two Masses on Palm Sunday each year, we invite high school students to participate in a "chorus" of speakers (group and individual parts) in proclaiming the gospel of the Passion.  It's a great time for catechesis on the Passion, on prayer and on the liturgical year.  Twenty students came this evening to the rehearsal, more than half of them "first timers" for this ministry.  They were awesome in their enthusiasm and the fine piece of work they're prepared to offer our community this Sunday.

Praise God From whom all blessings flow!

- Tomorrow, Pope Francis will be installed as the Servant of the Servants of God!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!


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