- The truth is, Lord,
- you and I have some unfinished business,
- a few loose ends to tie up,
- an unsettled account or two...
- You know all about this, Lord and I do, too -
- even if I try to hide it or forget it:
- my unforgiven sins; faults not yet repented;
- grudges old and rusty; resentments stoked by anger;
- bad habits not yet broken; arrogance and envy;
- selfishness and carelessness; a sour, bitter spirit;
- a prayer life left untended...
- ny unfinished business, Lord,
- loose, unraveled ends,
- unsettled, long-past-due accounts
- that weigh upon my soul...
- Remind me of your kindness
- and your mercy and your pardon
- and give me all the strength I need,
- the honesty and courage,
- to make my peace with you, Lord,
- in these holy time of Lent...

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