
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 7/16

So many things keep me from prayer, Lord...

So many things, large and small,
   pull me in a dozen different directions
and slowly, surely, my time for prayer
   slips to the bottom of my list of things to do
      and then I'm too tired or I forget
         to seek a place apart, a quiet time
            to find the peace I long for...

Who doesn't want peace, Lord?
Who doesn't want some peace and quiet?
Who doesn't want some respite, a breather,
   from the craziness that each day brings?

I know the peace of prayer and yet I fail,
   again and yet again, to take the simplest steps
      to go where moments spent in prayer
         can turn an awful day to awesome
            just for sitting down and resting by your side...

Help me to turn to you in prayer today, Lord:
   help me set aside some time to be with you - and keep it;
   help me find a quiet place to stop, to sit, to breathe,
      to close my eyes and seek your presence in my heart...

So many things keep me from prayer, Lord,
   and what keeps me from prayer, keeps me from you;
   and what keeps me from you, keeps me from hope;
   and what keeps me from hope, keeps me from life...

Slow me down, I pray, Lord,
   especially on the busiest and hardest days
and in your quiet presence, with your grace,
   help me come each day to you in prayer
      - just one day at a time...


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