
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 1/21

Photo by CP
Back in June I spent two wonderful weeks with my sister and brother-in-law in Georgetown, Colorado.  You might remember my finding some holy ground there, the path around Georgetown Lake, where I walked and prayed every day (see here and here).  Well, I'm back in Georgetown for a few days - in a different season. Snow and ice on the path preclude my circling the whole lake but just walking to and from this holy place is a grace in itself.  And thus, today's Pause for Prayer...

I wasn't expecting it, Lord - I was only going for a walk
- but as soon as I walked outdoors
I felt the sun's warmth wash across my face
as I breathed in deeply of your Spirit's grace,
your pure and peaceful presence
filling my lungs, my heart and my soul...

And as I started down the street I've walked
so many times before,
I found myself on holy ground,  on pilgrimage,
bound for a holy place, a natural cathedral,
a tabernacle of your presence
alive in the beauty of Georgetown Lake...

With a sweeping rush you filled me, Lord,
filled me with wonder and awe,
with memories of my June in Georgetown...

You filled me with deep, tearful gratitude
for all the ways you lie in wait for me,
looking to take me by surprise,
to fall in by my side and, just as a good friend would,
to walk with me as I make my way
to the place we met last summer
and spent so many peaceful days...



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