
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 1/30

   Eternal Bond by Fred Mathews















As a mother comforts her child
so will I comfort you,
says the Lord...  
Isaiah 66:10

Lord, I know so many people
in need of comfort,  a mother's comfort
- and I know that you know who they are...

You promised to comfort us, Lord,
so I pray you'll reach out
and wrap your arms around these folks 
holding them, as a mother holds her child.
close to your breast...

I pray they'll feel your warmth,
as a child is warmed
in a mother's embrace...

Nourish them, Lord,
with the milk of your mercy,
calm their fears,
be their safe haven,
enfold them in your arms
'til your heart beats as one with theirs...

As a mother comforts her child, Lord,
comfort those who are alone and afraid,
confused and lost,
worried and anxious...

Comfort those who, like children,
need a mother's care
to hold them, soothe them, heal them
and bring them peace...

As a mother comforts her child, Lord,
comfort your children
who need your touch, your embrace,
your love...

   Jesus Blesses The Children by Joe Cauchi










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