
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 5/26

Lord, I lift up to you
all the people so busy
they don't know which way they should turn...

And I lift up to you
all the folks who are bored
and who think they’re gonna go crazy…

I lift up to you
all who can't find work
who look for a job to support them…

I lift up to you
all the suffering and sick
who beg for an end to their pain…

I lift up to you
all the folks in deep sadness
who yearn for their grief to be healed...

I lift up to you
all who stand in harm's way
for the sake of our freedom and peace...

I lift up to you
all the folks so long hurting
they doubt that they'll ever find peace...

I lift up to you
the depressed and despairing
who hunger for promise and hope…

I lift up to you
the abused and mistreated
who wait for the nightmare to end…

I lift up to you
all who seek deeper faith
and are thirsting  for trust and belief…

I lift up to you
the homeless and hungry
who wait for a place at our tables...

I lift up to you
the forgotten and lonely
who long for companions and friends...

I lift up to you
the hooked and addicted,
working recovery a day at a time…

I lift up to you
all the folks who are lost
and who fear that they’ll never be found...

I lift up to you
all who've suffered my faults
and I pray they'll pardon my sins...

I lift up to you
all the people I've hurt, Lord,
and pray you'll forgive what I've done...

I lift up to you
myself and my needs
and pray for your mercy and blessing... 

I lift up to you 
those with no help at hand:
hear my prayer, Lord, and come to their aid... 

I lift up to you
everyone's who in need
and I pray you'll deliver us all... 





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