
Pause for Prayer: MONDAY 6/26

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!
My morning prayer's quite simple, Lord:
I offer you my day:
    the day that lies ahead of me,
    the day you made and gave me 
    the only day I have…
I offer you this day, Lord,
    whatever it may be
    and whatever it becomes…
I offer you this day, Lord,
    wherever it begins,
    wherever I may spend it,
    wherever it may take me,
    wherever it may leave me...  
    however it may end...
I offer you this day, Lord,
and all it offers me:
    your strength to face a new day,
    your counsel not to waste it,
    your patience to endure it,
    your grace to spend it well
    your presence and your peace,
    your love and help and healing,
    your mercy and your pardon,
    your tender consolation,
    your word of truth and wisdom,
    your compassion in my pain,
    your healing of my heart,
    your pledge to stay close by my side,
    your joy to share along my way,
    all this and so much more, Lord,
    you offer me today
    in the day I offer you…
I offer you this day, Lord,
    a fresh and new beginning,
    a chance to start all over,
    to renew my faith in you,
    to restore my trust in others
    and refresh my life of prayer...
My morning prayer's quite simple, Lord:
I offer you my day,
    the day that lies ahead of me,
   the day you made and gave me,
    the only day I have…
I offer you this day,  Lord,
    whatever it may be
    and whatever it becomes…
I offer you this day,
    wherever it begins,
    wherever I may spend it,
    wherever it may take me,
    wherever it may leave me...  
    however it may end...

I offer you this day, Lord:
    make of it and make of me
    an offering of glory, praise
    and joyful gratitude...





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