
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 7/21

When I'm in Colorado, I'm invited to participate in a prayer group with inmates at the Clear Creek County Jail in Georgetown. Last night was my last opportunity on this trip to pray with these men and it was a time of grace, a gift of unexpected peace...

Last night, Lord, 
there came an hour of unexpected,
unplanned, unforeseen, unpredicted peace 
deep in my heart...

Didn't see it coming, Lord 
- you took me by surprise:
no clue, no cue, no tip-off,
not so much as a knowing wink!
Truth is, I was tired, rushed 
and a little nervous that things might not go well,
that what was planned might miss the mark,
that things just hadn't come together,
that things might fall apart
- but, no - instead there came 
an hour of peace,
    of wisdom blessed by tears,
    of sharing from both heart and soul,
    of honesty and truth
    and hard things said in loving ways,
    as only happens, Lord,
    when your Spirit leads the way...

An hour of peace:
   a simple peace,
   a calming peace,
   a restful peace, 
   a deep peace, 
a peace that lifts a soul
    still burdened with uncertainty;
a peace that strengthens faith
    in one who's filled with doubts, 
a peace that fills with hope
    a heart in need of answers...
And yet a simple peace:
   a calming peace,
   a restful peace, 
   a healing peace,
   a deep peace,
   a peace that only you might give...

Because I don't know, 
because I can't know, Lord,
how long this peace will last,
I pray:
    embed this moment's gift
    in my mind and in my memory,
    in my heart and in my soul,
    as a blessing I can turn to  
        - and return to -
   when my spirit needs a lift,
   when my heart's in need of hope
   and my soul's in need of peace:
      the peace that only you can give... 

A simple peace, Lord:
   a calming peace,
   a restful peace, 
   a healing peace,
   a deep peace,
   a peace that only you might give...






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