On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass. Tonight's prayer follows up on the KEYS mentioned in today's gospel - and introduced in last night's prayer...
Last night, Lord,
I prayed for you to use your keys
to unlock and open my heart...
Tonight I pray
for the grace to open my neighbor's heart
with the keys I hold in my hand...
Help me turn the key of my mercy
to forgive anyone who has wronged me...
Help me share the keys to my happiness
to unlock the joy in my neighbor's heart...
Help me unlock my neighbor's grief
with my keys of compassion and comfort...
Let me use the keys of kindness and care
to open doors to those lost and alone...
Show me the keys I need to turn
to free my neighbor from anxious fear...
And above all, Lord, let me use the key that
unlocks my heart to welcome the stranger,
opens the door of my home to all
and unchains the shackles that hobble my thinking
with prejudice, bias and doubt...
So many locks,
keeping folks out and shutting them in,
restraining their freedom to come and go
to enter your heart through my heart, Lord
with the keys of mercy and grace...
Help me safeguard such precious, golden keys
and teach me to use them freely:
as you, Lord, unlock the door of my soul,
help me open up my heart to all...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
God Will Open A Door by Pepper Choplin
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God will open, open a door
God will open, open a door
God will open, open a door
The Spirit draws us to it,
with faith we walk through it
as we follow the Lord
through the open door
God will open, open a door...
The Spirit draws us to it,
with faith we walk through it
as we follow the Lord
through the open door
So ask, it shall be given to you,
seek and you shall find.
knock, it shall be opened to unto you
Ask, it shall be given to you,
seek and you shall find.
knock, it shall be opened to unto you
God is calling us, God is calling us all
let us leave behind our waiting
we'll go forward celebrating
there are blessings in store
through the open door
God will open, open a door...
Let us follow the Lord
through the open door... MMMMMMMM
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