
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 9/16 Rosh Hashana

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Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, began at sundown last night and will end with nightfall tomorrow, September 17.    
How might a Christian pray on this holy day?  Well, we're all familiar with the new year routine: looking back on the past year and making resolutions for the year to come: welcome to Rosh Hashana!

Need a New Year's boost, a new beginning?  This 2 minute video offers some Rosh Hoshana wisdom for people of any faith, especially if you feel that nothing's changing in your life...
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   help me patient with myself...

Water me with your grace, Lord,
    and help me grow as you'd have me grow...

Help me be patient with how I'm growing,
   how I'm changing - and with how long it takes...

Help me see that my suffering and pain
        are rooting me in solid ground...

Help me trust the roots I'm putting down 
   - even if I don't yet see much growth above ground...

And help me be patient with others, Lord, 
    remembering that we all grow very slowly...
And when my time comes, Lord,
    to shoot up like bamboo:
give me courage  to reach for the heavens
      and faith to give you all my thanks and praise!


He Who Began A Good Work In You by Steve Green

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Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!