For a very long time, Lord, I've thought of peace
as the most important thing to pray for
- but I may be having second thoughts...
Peace between you, Lord,
and the whole of creation
peace among nations
and peace within nations,
peace in our families
and in each one's heart
- what more could we ask for, hope and pray?
But more and more, I recognize, Lord
that peace won't come apart from the truth:
the truth of your word, your way and your will;
the truth you desire our hearts to know;
the truth you call our minds to pursue;
the truth of justice that blossoms in freedom;
the truth of compassion that leads to mercy;
the truth that resolves our confusion and doubt;
the truth that reveals what is good, what is pure;
the truth that frees us from failure and sin;
the truth of the gospel, good news for all;
the truth of wonder that nature reveals;
the truth that makes of believers one faith;
the truth that speaks without prejudice;
the truth that reconciles families and friends;
the truth of patience that leads to agreement;
the truth of mercy that cleanses our souls;
the truth that carries no hidden agenda;
the truth that dissolves our resentments and grudges;
the truth that satisfies hungry hearts;
the truth that quenches our thirst for wisdom;
the truth that's the whole truth: no more, no less;
the truth that reveals our excess and greed;
the truth of forgiveness that pardons and heals;
the truth that shames our selfish lust;
the truth that tames our craving for power;
the truth that exposes the lies we tell;
the truth that finds us when we are lost;
the truth that humbles our ego and pride;
the truth that lightens the burdens we bear;
the truth that reveals the truth we withhold;
the truth that names us all sisters and brothers,
children of one God, made in your image,
called to be faithful to your love for us,
to find in your grace the peace we desire,
the peace that is only yours to give...
So, help us discern, discover and share
the truth that will heal and set us free:
free to find and to make that peace
we long for and pray for with all our hearts...
Protect us, Lord while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Seek Truth, Make Peace by Marty Haugen
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Compelled by the gospel, outraged by injustice
and stirred by the wisdom of God
Seek truth, make peace,
reverence life, reverence life
Seek truth, make peace,
reverence life, oh reverence life
Give us the courage to name and resist
the forces of hatred and greed;
may we walk as one with the poor and oppressed
'gainst the powers that keep them in need.
When evil within or without us divides
by gender, class or by race
we will work for a circle of love open wide
where all may be welcomed and graced.
(Unfortunately, a recording of the full song
isn't available on line - here's the third verse,
not included in the audio above.)
Let this be the vision we claim for the earth
a day when all warfare shall cease
May the seeds that we nurture of justice and love
yield a life-giving harvest of peace.
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