
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 1/11

In the heat of the moment, Lord,
   give me your grace...
On the spur of the moment,
   give me your grace...

At just the right moment,
   give me your grace...

When there's not a moment to spare, Lord,
   give me your grace...

At an opportune moment,
    give me your grace...

From one moment to the next, Lord,
   give me your grace...

In my weakest moment,
   give me your grace...

In an awkward moment,
   give me your grace...

In the moment of truth, Lord,
   give me your grace...

At the very worst moment,
   give me your grace...

In just a moment,
   give me your grace...

Without even a moment's notice
    I pray, Lord, give me your grace...





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