
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 2/8

 I like the pope's quote, Lord
    - for the second of its two elements...
I'm not all that keen on thinking about conversion
    but there are some things I know I'd love to be free of...

Oh, Lord!
    To be filled with faith in you
        and free of uncertain self-doubt...
    To be filled with a generous impulse
        and free of pampering myself...
    To be grateful for all I have
        and free of envy's greed...
    To be filled with a gentle spirit
        and free of hardness of heart...
    To be filled with mercy and pardon
        and free of petty grudges...
    To be filled with the gift of peace
        and free of annoyance and anger...

    To be filled with wholesome desire
        and free of lusty musing...

    To be filled with humble regard
        and free of pride and ego...

    To be filled with good will towards all
        and free of intolerant bias...

    To be filled with compassion and kindness
        and free of bitter resentment...

    To be filled with your Holy Spirit, Lord,
        free to become all you call me to be...





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