
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 3/14

I don't know, Lord...

I don't know what you'll speak to me today.
    I only know your word will sound and echo
        at every twist and turn along my way.
Help me hear you when you speak, Lord,
    help me hear your word today...
I don't know, Lord...
I don't know how you'll touch me today.
    I only know your arms reach out
        to hold and hug me close.
Help me feel your arms around me, Lord,
    help me know your touch today...

I don't know, Lord...

I don't know how you'll heal me today.
    I only know your burning heart's desire
        to mend, restore and wash me in your mercy.
Help me know your healing grace, Lord,
    wherever I am broken, torn or wounded...

There's so much I don't know, Lord,
    but I know your love for me
so help me hear your word, know your touch
    and rest in your sweet mercy.
at peace with you today, Lord,
    at peace with you today...





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