
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 6/8

Speak to me, Lord, and please,
    speak in a language I can understand...

Use everyday words and phrases
    - nothing I have to look up...

Speak in the syntax of troubles I face,
    from my glossary of fears and worries...

Use the nouns of my everyday life,
    and the verbs of my daily routine...

Find adjectives true to things as they are,
    and adverbs to show how I'm doing...

Speak to my cluttered confusion
    in expressions my mind comprehends...

No need to sweeten or spin a hard saying:
    speak the truth in plain prose so I'll hear it...

(And, well, if you like, some slang is ok:
    I use it myself now and then...)

Speak to my heart in an accent familiar,
    in a dialect known to my soul as its own...

Speak to me, Lord, in a language we share,
    from a treasury of words on the tip of my tongue...

And if I'm not listening, speak up 'til I do,
    'til I'm hear every word you have to say...

And when I reply, let my words be simple,
    and true to the person I am...

Let the words of my prayer be my own, from the heart,
    no matter how clumsy my speech...

Let our conversations be honest and open...
     our dialogue simple and true...

And most of all, Lord, speak in the language 
    of love, of mercy, of pardon and peace...

Speak to me, Lord so I'll understand
    and trust that you understand me...





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