
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 6/8


On the church calendar, yesterday was the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (here and here) - and today is the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Here's a litany for our prayer this evening.  I especially like  this version by Rev. Joseph Lackner, S.M. because all the "titles" by which he names Mary are so accessible and easy to understand...

    God chose you as the mother of his Son 
        and called all nations and generations 
            to bless the gift of grace he gave you. 
    In the company of those who have gone before us, 
        with people of all races and languages, 
            we call upon you in prayer...

Holy Mary,
   pray for us...
Mother of God
Mother of our redemption
Mother of a lost child
Mother of comfort and understanding
Mother who shares our joys
Mother who endures our sorrows
Mother whose heart was pierced by a sword
Mother most merciful...

Woman responsive to God's word,
   pray for us...
Woman willing to believe the impossible
Woman who rejoices in her lowliness
Woman with an undivided heart
Woman of perfect freedom
Woman wrapped in mystery
Woman moved by the Spirit
Woman champion of the poor and lowly
Woman graced by a husband's love
Woman widowed by a husband's death
Woman at the cross
Woman patient and waiting
Woman clothed with the sun

Queen of the fullness of times,
    pray for us...
Queen of beauty unalloyed
Queen of integrity
Queen of painful meetings
Queen of all our heart's treasure
Queen of our destiny
Queen of peace

Let us pray:
        you are mother and virgin, wife and widow,
            peasant and queen, blessed for all time.
    We need the comfort of your prayers.
    Remember us always to our Father
        through Jesus, child of your womb
            who is our Lord for ever and ever.   Amen.

Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep,
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

In the church's Liturgy of the Hours, Evening prayer always includes the Magnificat, Mary's Canticle of Praise. I'm offering two versions for our prayer this evening, the first by John Michael Talbot and the second by Keith and Krystin Getty and Stuart Townend.

If  two videos don't appear below, click here! 

Holy Is His Name





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