
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 7/17

The patience of others, Lord, always amazes me:
   a seeker patiently searching for truth,
   a dreamer's patience for what's not yet,
   the patience of the sick who pray to get well,
   a mother's patience with a fussing child,
   the patience of a spouse whose spouse isn't patient,
   a good friend's patience with an unfaithful friend,
   the patience of the suffering whose pain doesn't end,
   a parent's patience with a child still learning
   the patience of others with all my mistakes,
   the patience of many with my quick temper,
   your patience, Lord, with my faults and my sins:
       your patience is grace, mercy and healing...
 Give me patience, Lord, in word and deed:
   with those around me,
   with my own limitations,
   and with all that you patiently call me to do...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


 Faith is Patience in the Night by Mary Nelson Keithahnh
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