
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 10/26

It's been a real fall day, Lord!

One of those days when you truly see the leaves
    falling from the trees,
    falling gracefully, here and there,
    landing graciously, softly on my head
    and in numbers great enough to carpet
    the sidewalk and the lawn 
    and the chance to shuffle, 
    even dance my way,
    from here to there,
    wherever this day led me...
The branches up above 
    are taking joy in all the glory
        you've painted on their limbs;
they're applauding you, their Maker,
    rejoicing in your artistry
        and may not yet noticed
that every time they clap their hands,
    a leaf of autumn's beauty 
        flutters gently to the ground...
It's a gift, Lord, to be caught up,
    surrounded, touched and blessed
        by the season's heady changes:
may I find and know within myself
    the grace of how things turn
        and your presence in it all...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

I've offered this song before and even just recently,
but it just seems the perfect match for tonight's prayer...
Falling Leaves by Martin Tallstrom
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