
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 10/17

It always helps me to remember, Lord, that:
    no matter how scattered my thoughts,
    whatever the feelings that flood my heart,
    in spite of how garbled the words I speak,
    even when I can't find word to say,
    regardless of whether I pray or not 
even then, Lord...

    you read my confusion with wisdom and ease,
    you know what I mean when I don't know myself,
    you're at peace with the feelings I fear and avoid,
    you understand clearly my mumbling and babbling,
    you know my heart's plea before I can name it,
    you hear my prayer when it has no words...

It always helps me to remember this, Lord,
    - so please help me not forget it!
Protect me, Lord, while I toss and turn
    and watch over me when I fall asleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's song for prayer is a simple chant from the
Taize community in France.  You might sing along 
or just let it be the music serve as background for your
remembering how God knows your every prayer, even
before you speak it, no matter how clumsily you phrase 
it - and even if you don't say it!

O, Lord Hear My Prayer (Taize
    by Margaret Rizza and Saint Thomas Music Group
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O Lord, hear my prayer,
O Lord, hear my prayer;
    when I call answer me.
O Lord, hear my prayer,
O Lord, hear my prayer;
    come and listen to me.


NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 10/16

Tonight's prayer comes to us from the writings of Madeleine Delbrel (here and here). It's followed by two musical options - and I hope you'll all give each of them a chance...

To be a good dancer,
   with you as with anyone else, 
      it's not necessary that we know where it will lead.

We only need to follow,
    to be cheerful,
    to be light,
       and above all not to be stiff.
We don't have to ask you for explanations
    about the steps that you choose to take.
We need to be like an extension of yourself, 
   quick and alive, 
      and pick up the rhythm of the music through you.
We must not desire to push ahead at all costs,
    but allow ourselves to be spun, 
      to be moved to the side.
We have to know how to pause and slide, and not walk.
And the steps would be rather clumsy
    if they were not in harmony with the music.
But we tend to forget the music of your spirit,
    and we turn our life into a gymnastic exercise;
we forget that, in your arms, 
   life is something to be danced,
that your Holy Will 
   is inconceivably creative,
and all monotony and boredom
    is left to the old souls who play the wallflower 
       in the joyful ball of your love.

Lord, come ask us to dance.
We're ready to dance this errand for you, 
   these accounts to do, this dinner to prepare, 
      this vigil to keep when we would prefer to sleep. 
We're ready to dance for you the dance of work,
   the dance of heat, and later the dance of cold.

If certain melodies 
   are often played in the minor key, 
      we won't tell you that they're sad; 
if others leave us a little breathless, 
   we won't tell you that they knock the wind out of us.
And if other people bump into us, 
   we'll take it with a good laugh,
knowing well that that's the sort of thing that happens 
   when you're dancing.

Lord, teach us precisely where, 
   in this endless novel
      which has begun to unfold between you and us,
         the peculiar ball of our obedience takes place.

Strike up the great orchestra of your designs
    wherein everything you allow
       sends its strange music
          into the peace of your will.
Teach us every day to dress our human condition
   in the dancing gown you love to have us wear
adorned with all its details,
   like so many priceless jewels.

Make us live our life
   not like a game of chess, where every move is calculated,
   not like a contest, where everything is difficult,
   not like a math problem, which makes our head hurt,
but like an endless celebration, 
   where our meeting with you is constantly new.
Like a ball,
    like a dance,
       in the arms of your grace,
          in the universal music of love,

Lord, ask us to dance.
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we  might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Two musical options this evening...
1) Tonight's first song is based on the Song of Songs found in the Hebrew scriptures.  The poetic imagery there speaks of love: between a man and woman; between the Lord and his chosen people, Israel; and between God and humankind. 
2) Another option is Just by composer David Lang. This simple mantra is also sourced from the Song of Songs.  Although the lyrics repeat over and over again that the Lover seeks "just" this and that from the beloved, indeed, the Lover desires the whole of the beloved - just as God desires all that we have...  This piece is long, simple, repetitive and - prayerful for those who give themselves to it...

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Dance With Me, Lord by Paul Wilbur
   performed by Lindell Cooley 

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Dance with me, Oh, Lover of my soulTo the song of all songs
Romance me, Oh, Lover of my soulTo the song of all songs
Behold You have come 
   over the hills, up on the mountainTo me, You have run   my Beloved, You've captured my heart
Dance with me, Oh, Lover of my soulTo the song of all songs
Romance me, Oh, Lover of my soulTo the song of all songs

With You I will go, You are my Love, 
   You are my Fair OneThe winter has passed 
   and the springtime has come
Dance with me, Oh, Lover of my soulTo the song of all songs
Romance me, Oh, Lover of my soulTo the song of all songs

Romance me, Oh, Lover of my soul   To the song of all songs
Romance me, Oh, Lover of my soul   To the song of all songs
Dance with me, Oh, Lover of my soulTo the song of all songs

 Just by David Lang
  from the film, Youth by Paolo Sorrentino
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Just your mouthJust your loveJust your anointing oilsJust your nameJust your chambersJust your love
And my mother's sonsAnd my own vineyardAnd my soulJust your flockJust your companionsJust your kids
Just your cheeksJust your neckJust your couchAnd my perfumeAnd my belovedAnd my breasts
And my belovedAnd my loveJust your eyesAnd my beloved
Our couchOur houseOur raftersAnd my loveAnd my beloved
Just your shadowJust your fruitJust your banner over meJust your left handJust your right handAnd my belovedAnd my beloved
Our wallAnd my belovedAnd my loveAnd my fair oneAnd my loveAnd my fair oneAnd my dove
Just your faceJust your voiceJust your voiceJust your faceOur vineyardsAnd my beloved
Just your flockAnd my belovedAnd my bedAnd my soulAnd my soulAnd my soulAnd my soulAnd my mother's house
Just your swordJust your motherJust your weddingJust your heartAnd my love
Just your eyesJust your veilJust your hairJust your teethJust your lipsJust your mouth
Just your cheeksJust your veilJust your neckJust your two breastsAnd my loveAnd my brideAnd my heartAnd my sisterAnd my brideAnd my heart
Just your eyesJust your necklaceJust your loveAnd my sisterAnd my bride
Just your loveJust your oilsJust your lipsAnd my bride
Just your tongueJust your garmentsAnd my sisterAnd my bride
Just your shootsAnd my gardenAnd my belovedAnd my gardenAnd my sisterAnd my bride
And my myrrhAnd my spiceAnd my honeycombAnd my honeyAnd my wineAnd my milk
And my heartAnd my belovedAnd my sisterAnd my loveAnd my doveAnd my perfect one
And my headAnd my locksAnd my garmentAnd my feetAnd my belovedAnd my hand
And my heartAnd my belovedAnd my handsAnd my fingersAnd my belovedAnd my belovedAnd my soulAnd my beloved
Just your belovedJust your belovedAnd my beloved
Just your headJust your locksJust your eyesJust your cheeksJust your lipsJust your arms
Just your bodyJust you legsJust your appearanceJust your speechAnd my belovedAnd my friend
Just your belovedAnd my belovedJust your gardenJust your flockAnd my belovedAnd my beloved
Just your flockAnd my love
Just your eyesJust your hairJust your teethJust your cheeksAnd my doveAnd my perfect oneAnd my motherAnd my fancyAnd my prince
Just your feetJust your rounded thighsJust your navelJust your bellyJust your two breastsJust your neckJust your eyesJust your nose
Just your headJust your flowing locksJust your breastsJust your breastsJust your breathJust your kissesAnd my beloved
Just your desireAnd my belovedAnd my loveOur doorsAnd my belovedAnd my mother's breastAnd my motherAnd my pomegranates
Just your left handJust your right handAnd my belovedJust your motherJust your heartJust your arm
Our sisterAnd my breastsJust your eyesAnd my vineyardAnd my very ownAnd my self
Just your voiceAnd my beloved





A special prayer for today...

 Today is the feast of Saint Theresa of Avila. 
A well known quote from her spiritual writings begins, 
"Let nothing trouble you..." 

Just today I came across a soft jazz setting of her words (trust me - it works!) and I found the arrangement both comforting and prayerful - and hope you will, too!
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My friend, Frank Fairbairn, often used the phrase, "an embarrassment of riches..." and that's just what I'm experiencing in your loving, prayerful response to my being in the hospital for a few days. 
UPDATE: All's going well! I'm fairly certain I'll be going home tomorrow (Wednesday). I've not experienced any pain in all of this so I don't need a long time to recuperate. I really do appreciate all your prayers, emails, texts, voicemails, messages, thoughts and questions - but your generous outreach far exceeds my ability to respond. 
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Love you all!




NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 10/15

I wrote this prayer a few years back,
spent some time reworking it this afternoon,
and offer it for your prayer this evening...

I watch a leaf, falling from its branch,   
    then skittering, here and there,
dancing down the street,
    at the wind's own beck and call...

I walk and follow that one leaf:
    it dawdles and it pokes along, 
then with a lift it leaps - a jeté - 
    on a breath from deep within my soul...

I am that leaf, Lord, sometimes stalled
    and stilled upon a grassy path
and sometimes skipping all about,
    exuding secret, hidden joy...
I am that leaf, Lord, whom your Spirit
    (wind beneath my wings)
lifts high in flight 'til I descend,
    gently resting on the ground...
I am that leaf, Lord, powerless,
    until your breath gives wing
to raise me up, escaping bonds
    that holds me back and down...
I am that leaf, Lord, crying out:
  "Lift me on the breeze!"
Draw me up from sorrow's depths
    to joy I've yet to know...

I am that leaf and you're the wind
    I need to breathe and live:
to dance, to play, to make my way
    with grace along my path...
In the quiet of this moment,
   in the power of your Spirit,
lift my soul to be with you, Lord,
    in prayer this holy night...

In my prayer, Lord, help me see:
   you've been my breath, my help and hope
every time I've been that lonely leaf,
    falling from a tree...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake,
    watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
For tonight's music, listen here 
and in your prayerful imagination
think of yourself as a falling leaf 
in your relationship with God.
If it helps, offer tonight's prayer again
as you listen to the music...
Falling Leaves by Martin Tallstrom
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NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 10/14

As you know, I'm in the hospital for a few days.  A FaceBook friend happened to post these words from Philippians 4:4-7 and they have been part of my prayer while my the medical folks poke me to study my blood. In my heart, these are among the most beautiful, consoling and challenging words in the whole of the scriptures!

I want to rejoice, Lord - always!
I’d so much rather rejoice than weep,
    to be glad in you 
        than sad in my trials and troubles

Yes, I'd like to rejoice always but my soul's desire for joy
    doesn’t always match what my heart can muster
especially when my soul's chock full
        of anxiety, worry, misgivings and fear... 

But I see, when I read more carefully
    that I’m called to rejoice in you,  
        to find my joy in you,
    especially when I find it hard
        to find any joy within myself...

The joy you promise, Lord, 
    the joy you generously offer,
        lies deep in you, outside my trials;
it's the joy that comes when I let go 
   the troubles I hold and cling to,
the joy of taking a step beyond
    to the peace that rests, alone, in you...

Visit my heart with the joy that’s yours,
   the joy that only you can give,
        the joy that won't be quelled by fear,
the joy whose source runs deeper by far
    than my deepest wound or grief,
the joy that springs and flows from depths 
    my heart has yet to explore...

Find for me a joy, O Lord, 
    greater than any loss I've known,
deeper than all my worries and fears,
    a muscular joy to strengthen me 
        in my weakness, frail and flawed...

Grant me a joy that survives my moods
    and my roller coaster emotions,
my thin skin and stubborn ego
    my pride and my self-pity...

In the quiet of my prayer tonight, Lord,
   help me see the ways I ward off joy
and prefer instead the company
    of the misery I often befriend...
Turn my heart around and up-side-down
    'til it opens to every day's simple joy,
the joy you shower from heaven
    and pour down like rain from your hand...

When my heart is cloudy and dry, Lord,
   plant seeds of sweet joy in my soul
to blossom in times when all my joy
    depends upon you alone...
When I lose my hope of finding joy 
   let your Spirit fan its embers to flame
warming my heart to trust anew 
   that while weeping may last 
        through the shadows of night,
     with the morning your joy will return...

I pray for a joy that lasts, Lord:
    a joy that suffers, endures and remains,
 a joy that freely survives,
    strong, deep, whole and intact,
       whatever may come my way...

In this quiet time of night prayer, Lord,
   refresh my desire, my thirst for joy;
help me find my joy in being still,
   the joy of knowing you’re my God
        and will be ever more...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


Do Not Be Anxious by Teresa Thomas
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Do not be anxious about anything
but in every situation by your prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. 

And the peace of God
which transcends all understanding
shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ
and the peace of God 
which transcends all understanding
shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ 

Do not be anxious about anything
but in every situation by your prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.






Regular readers of my FB page and my blog know that I was recently in the hospital dealing with some concerns about my blood. The treatment seemed to be very successful but a few days ago, the problem recurred. 
So, I'm back in for a few days! My doctor is trying a different approach which he believes will be successful - and I do, too! Your prayers are much appreciated! 
Since I don't need balloons, candy or flowers, please harness such generous impulses and offer someone else a surprise token of your love - they'll be thrilled! And as I may have mentioned before, your prayerful support here online is just the kind of "visit" that most lifts my spirits and carries me forward! 
(I'll be posting as the Spirit moves me and as all the poking into my veins allows!)