
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 1/17

I learned online yesterday that Fr. Joe Sidera, C.S.C. has died.  Although I haven't been in touch with Joe since the early 1980's, he was one of the most important people in my life.  Let me share that story with you...

In 1978, five years after my ordination, I was given permission by the Archdiocese of Boston to purse an M.A. in liturgical studies at the University of Notre Dame through what was then called "independent self-funded study." This allowed priests to pursue higher studies on their own initiative - and expense.  Those who gave me this permission knew that I was interested in the Church's worship but they didn't know that I was planning, upon receiving my degree, to leave the priesthood and work as a layman in the then burgeoning field of liturgy. (Those first five years of ministry in the parish had been both the "best of times and the worst of times.")

Joe Sidera was one of the first people I met at Notre Dame. He was a student as well, pursuing a PhD in psychology.  We quickly became good friends and after about 6 months, I shared with Joe my plans for the future. He listened carefully and replied simply, "Would you like to talk about that?"  I said I would - and that began a welcome and often intense year long conversation with Joe about my life, my understanding of myself and who God was in my life.  

Well, you already know the rest of the story!  I completed my studies, got my degree, worked three more years at Notre Dame in campus ministry and in 1982 returned to ministry in the Archdiocese of Boston.  This is why, when folks ask, "When did you decide to become a priest?" I tell them, "Well, that was about 5 years after I was ordained..."

Joe Sidera's question, "Would you like to talk about that?" was a turning point in this life that's now 77 years old.  I will be always grateful for his friendship, his care and concern and his patience with me as I unraveled and put back together this ministry that has constituted my life and been the source of my greatest joy and satisfaction.

But Joe and I didn't stay in touch.  I returned to Boston and Joe went to Kings College to teach psychology. We parted as friends, each of us to where God's Spirit drew us.  I'm reminded of a lyric in a song from Weston Priory, "Persons come into the fiber of our lives and then their shadow fades and disappears..."

Learning of Joe's passing over to the Lord led me to regret that we drifted apart - but left me no less grateful for how the fibers of our lives were, at least for a time, woven together.

So, I've been thinking about other people, many people who, over these nearly 8 decades, have come into the fiber of life but whose shadows have faded and disappeared.  I'm thinking about all the people who touched and even changed my life - but who have faded in my memory.  And I'm thinking that you, too, have known the blessing of such people in your lives - and that tonight, you might want to join me in praying for them and thanking God for the gift they were in our own stories...

O Lord!
I can't count,
I can't name,
I don't even remember all the people in my life
who, by your grace and design,
came into the fiber of my life
and whose shadows have faded and disappeared...

I can't count,
I can't name,
I can't even identify all the ways the people
    who touched my life,
    had my back,
    comforted and consoled me,
    listened to me so patiently,
    forgave me and forgave me and forgave me,
    lifted me up and supported me,
    welcomed me to share in their stories...
    mended my broken heart and healed my wounds,
    shared with me their wisdom,
    taught me to believe and trust in myself,
    helped me survive my losses, my grief,
    lightened my days with laughter and joy,
    made room for me in the days of their lives
    and who prayed for me
    and prayed with me
    and for whom
    I pray tonight...
Such as these, Lord,
are your angels in my life:
    reminders of your presence,
    messengers of mercy,
    bearers of your wisdom, 
    harbingers of hopefulness,
    icons of your vigilance,
    heralds of your kindness,
    instruments of peace,
    prophets of your promised joy,
    envoys of your counsel,
    signs of your fidelity
    and couriers of grace...
I pray for them, Lord,
I pray for them all:
    those I remember 
    and those I've forgotten
    and those whose blessing I failed to notice,
    so gracious their presence and touch in my life...

I pray in thanksgiving to you, O Lord,
    for all these too many to count or remember
for all who've blessed and anointed my life
    with your love, your mercy, your peace...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Two songs for our prayer this evening:
    the first, an old hymn, reminding us
        of what a Friend we have in Jesus... 
    the second, a more contemporary piece,
        inviting us to be grateful 
            for all our friends...
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What A Friend We Have In Jesus 
    arranged by David Angerman

What a friend we have in Jesus 
    all our sins and griefs to bear 
What a privilege to carry 
    everything to God in prayer 
O what peace we often forfeit 
    O what needless pain we bear 
All because we do not carry 
    everything to God in prayer 

Have we trials and temptations 
    Is there trouble anywhere 
We should never be discouraged 
    take it to the Lord in prayer 
Can we find a friend so faithful 
    who will all our sorrows share 
Jesus knows our every weakness 
    take it to the Lord in prayer 

Are we weak and heavy laden 
    cumbered with a load of care 
Precious Savior, still our refuge 
    take it to the Lord in prayer 
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee 
    Take it to the Lord in prayer 
In his arms he'll take and shield thee 
    thou wilt find a solace there
You've Got A Friend by Carole King





Update - and travel plans

My subscription service provider seems, at last, to understand the problem my subscribers are having!  I believe a solution is near at hand...

Tonight is my last night in Georgetown, Colorado.  I'll be flying back to Boston on Thursday afternoon.  And I'll be posting again on Friday evening.




NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 1/15

O Lord, with such divine artistry 
    did you fashion the human heart!

It's dimensions are quite defined
and yet my heart can hold what seems 
an infinite number 
    of joys and sorrows, stories and memories,
    wounds and healings, dreams and schemes,
    disappointments and regrets, tragic endings 
    and hope-filled new beginnings...
On one day, Lord, this heart of mine
    can bear the weight of burdens unimaginable
and one day later -soar and float,
    a feather on a summer breeze... 

My heart has no eyes and yet 
    it sees what can't be seen, 
        what's hidden, eternal and mysterious...
My heart has no arms or hands 
    and yet it reaches out, touches and embraces
        more than I could ever hope to hold...

My heart has no ears and yet
    it hears a word you whisper
        and the truth you speak aloud...
And sometimes, Lord, my heart closes in,
    struggling in vain to hide or keep you out
        - but then comes grace -
    and grace opens wide inside my soul a place
        great enough, deep enough,
            for you to come and make your home...

My small heart has room for you, Lord,
and for many others, more than I can count:
    family, friends, strangers - brothers, sisters all -
knocking on my heart's door 
    seeking a place to rest, to heal, to visit, 
a place to call their own for a while, for a day,
    a lifetime - or forever...

O God, with such divine artistry 
    did you fashion the human heart,
        my heart, beating in my chest
    and even deeper, in my soul,
        in my heart of hearts 
    where you, my Maker,
        choose to make your home...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me when I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
Open The Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche,
  performed by
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Open the eyes of my heart Lord 
Open the eyes of my heart 
I want to see you 
I want to see you 
To see you high and lifted up  
Shining in the light of your glory 
Pour out your power and love 
As we sing holy, holy, holy






NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 1/14

This evening, Lord,
I want to thank you
for your always being there,
every time I come to pray...
I believe that when I pray
you listen to me,
  your heart hears my heart
even when my heart is mute...

I believe you love the prayer of
   of just my "showing up,”
   of every time my heart,
    my imagination and my attention turn
       - if only for a few seconds -
    toward you, always there, at my side...

Especially then,
I'm grateful for the ways
you catch my glance,
my momentary nod in your direction,
my heart's secret “wink” to let you know
    you're on my mind;
    you’re in my heart;
    I'm glad you're near;
    I need you
        and I want you by my side...

It's not a bell, Lord,
   nor the time of day,
   nor my need, much less my idea,
no - it’s only and always
   the power of your Spirit
   that calls and draws me to prayer...
Every prayer of mine
   comes at your Spirit's prompting,
your grace stirring, prodding,
   nudging, urging me
        to come to you in prayer... 
There's not a moment, night or day,
when your Spirit isn't moving me
   to make some time,
   to find a quiet place,
   to sit with you in prayer...

I'm so grateful, Lord:
you never tire of my tales of woe,
    of drying all my tears,
listening with such patience,
hearing me out, again and again,
even when I fail to find the words
    to speak what’s really on my mind
        and in my heart,
    what I really need to speak to you in prayer...

No thought of mine, Lord,
   comes as news to you...
Not a word of my prayer
   takes you by surprise…
You hear my every plea,
   ever stumbling, awkward, mindless, rote
        distracted, selfish prayer…
And most of all you hear the prayer
   that echoes in my heart
        but never makes it to my lips…
You never turn away from me
   in boredom or frustration,
but rather do you bend, Lord,
   always, ever nearer, closer,
        to hear my every word...
Help me never be afraid, Lord,
to share with you in prayer
    what’s precisely on my mind
        and rooted deep within my heart...
This evening, Lord, I thank you
    for your always being there,
for your open ears and heart
    every time I come to pray...
Protect me, Lord, while I’m awake,
    watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace…


When I Pray by Doe Jones

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Carrying all of the world on my shoulders 
And it’s gotten too heavy for me 
You know I ain’t no Hercules 
Life moves on 
Stuff breaks down 
People fall off 
Gotta find a way to get over 
Gotta find a way to get through 
Hear You 
Struggles they last 
But as time pass 
It’s been one thing after the other 
Oh I don’t always know the right way 
No I don’t always know what to say 
But all I know is something happens 
When I pray 
I know I can get through when I pray 
I know I can reach You when I call Your name 
You’re never too busy for me 
You’re never too busy for me 
When I oh I found myself at the end of the road 
Looking for it and I see a fork in the road 
Hell, if I know 
Which way to go 
I feel so alone 
Life is so, so cold 
Oh I’m not very eloquent in speech 
I don’t always sound holy when I speak 
Papa told me something happens 
When I pray 
I know I can get through when I pray 
I know I can reach You when I call Your name 
You’re never too busy for me 
You’re never too busy for me 
When I pray 
I know I can get through when I pray 
I know I can reach You when I call Your name 
You’re never too busy for me 
You’re never too busy for me 
When I pray 
I know You will never leave me dry 
It’s not in Your nature to turn away 
When the humble pray 
When I cry I know 
You will never leave me empty 
It’s not in Your nature to turn away 
From the humble
When I pray 
 I know I can get through when I pray 
I know I can reach You when I call Your name 
You’re never too busy for me 
You’re never too busy for me 
When I pray 
I know I can get through when I pray 
I know I can reach You when I call Your name 
You’re never too busy for me 
You’re never too busy for me 
When I pray 
I know I can get through when I pray 
I know I can reach You when I call Your name 
You’re never too busy for me You’re never too busy for me 
When I pray I know I can get through when I pray 
I know I can reach You when I call Your name 
You’re never too busy for me 
You’re never too busy for me 
When I pray





NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 1/13

Since the eve of Christmas Eve I've been sitting each evening by the light and warmth of this wood stove in my family's living room here in Georgetown, Colorado.  Only two more nights after this evening and I'll be back in my recliner in Wayland, Massachusetts...

How much we need your warmth, Lord,
in this cold-blooded world 
where chill of pride
and frost of self-protection nip
and numb our souls in frigid isolation...
How much we need your Spirit's spark
to light the splintered kindling 
of our dwindling hopes and dreams,
to fan to life the light and warmth
our shivering hearts desire...

The gentle warmth of your heart, Lord,
a stream of mercy growing, flowing,
glowing bright with promise 
and assurance of a love to melt
and thaw this winter's discontent...
While sitting by a wood stove, Lord,
I dream and pray for warmth divine
to wrap the world in fervor 
for a light to shine upon the path
that leads us to your hearth...
Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Melt Our Hearts by Faith Alive Band
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The Lord of Ages is standing at my door
What will I do
The King of kings and Lord of lords
Is reaching out His hand
Will I stand there and be silent
Will I call on His name
Or will I fall down and humbly proclaim
Melt my heart into Yours Lord
Take my will and use it only for You
My life is not my own
I was made to worship You
Jesus change my world around
Jesus turn my life upside down
Consuming Fire
Consume my heart
Burn away my impurities
You spent Your days with sinners and saints
Now You’ve come to me
How can I stand there and be silent
How can I call on Your name
Lord now I fall down and humbly proclaim
Melt my heart into Yours Lord
Take my will and use it only for You
My life is not my own
I was made to worship You
Jesus change my world around
Jesus turn my life upside down





Monday Morning Offering: 1/13

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

I know so many folks, Lord, 
    who are trying:  

- people trying to stay on the right path,
    trying to take a step in a new direction…

- people trying to begin, 
        or begin again, 
    trying to do things that seem so simple
        but are so very hard to do…

- people trying to make the right decision,
    trying to make the wise choice,
        trying to do the right thing…

- people trying to believe, to trust:
    in themselves,
    in others,
    in you…

- people trying again and again
    when they’ve tried so many times before
        (and perhaps are tired now of trying)
    and yet - are trying to try again…

So many folks who are trying, Lord...

So, I offer you this morning
the efforts of all of us who try:
    who try to know, to love and to serve you
        in all we do;
    who try to be and become the persons
        you created us to be;
    who try to find the truth
        and to live by it...

I offer you our good intentions, Lord, 
as we try and try again:
    forgive our false starts,
        give us fresh starts
    and the hope and courage we need 
        - to try again…

I offer you our earnest desires
and ask that you keep us honest:
    show us how easily we con ourselves,
        thinking that we're trying
    when, in truth, we're not trying at all;
keep us honest with you,
    honest with others
        and honest with ourselves...

I offer you all our redoubled efforts, Lord,
and pray you redouble 
    the strength that's yours to give,
    the help we so much need,
    the grace I know is ours for the asking…

I offer you our desire, Lord,
    to choose what's true, good, healthy and pure
- and when we settle for less -
    give us the desire to desire more,
        more of what's good 
    for our relationship with you
        and with our neighbors...

I offer you our need, Lord, for you to
    deepen our trust,
    refresh our hope,
    renew our strength
    and give us the will
        to try, one day at a time
    and to live, 
        one day at a time...

Be patient with us, Lord,
    and give us patience with each other
as each of us tries 
    and tries again 
to live according to your Word and will 
    this morning, this evening  
        and through the week head...
