
Good news

Photo by Joanne Rathe, Globe staff

Even on a day as beautiful as this one (at least in Concord), you might need some good news to lift your spirits from other burdens. If that's the case (or even if it isn't) then take a look at this heart-warmer from Sunday's Boston Globe. And be sure to click on the audio-slide show!



  1. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. Although it brought tears to my eyes it did lift my spirits to see the goodness of the children involved. Both those who recieve the help and give it.

    This is the day the Lord has made....

  2. Wow -- think how it would be if that field, the players, the "buddies," parents, etc. were a microcosm of the world. Wouldn't that be a wonderful world.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Contrast this story of a ballgame with that of one described by a mother in a letter to the editor in today's The Concord Journal. Too bad the care and love in this story can't be demonstrated in all sports that very young players participate in.


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