

Image: Some of Nothing

My head, heart, mind and calendar have been very full this past week! I had hoped to post on the question "What is a priest?" but didn't get to it. I spent my blogging time on this piece because I wanted to respond to the news from Rome about the protesting parishes in the archdiocese.

I'm also trying to strike a better balance between real time, cyber time and - my time! This season beckons to relaxation and I need a bit of that, at least now and then. The promised post on priests will appear - when it's completed. (Note To Self: stop telling readers when you're going to post something!)

If you're patient and understanding about all of this - thank you!
If you're not, then remember this paraphrase of the closing line of this coming Sunday's gospel:
"Without cost you have received - so chill!"



  1. I was looking forward to the next post but I am chillin.

  2. I think you think people depend on this blog and will get all disappointed if you don't blog and post something.

    Get over yourself!!

  3. Hey!...I'm patient, understandin' and chillin'! No sense worrying....

  4. What comes to mind is the song, "don't worry, be happy." Just chill and post when you want to post.

  5. Ã…nonymous Number Two:

    Thanks so much for your delightful comment: I hope you're having a nice day, too!

    Perhaps I should have added an obligatory :-) at the end of my post to confirm that it was meant to be humorous.

    Or perhaps you aren't aware that many bloggers note when their posting might slow down a bit. I'd never done this before but since I'd said something was going to be posted and it wasn't, I thought as a courtesy I might acknowledge that and update my readers.

    And add a little joke. :-)

    Have an even nicer day tomorrow!

  6. I've received some responses to the exchange between Anonymous Number Two and me. As supportive as folks have been, this isn't a thread I want to lengthen so I'm snipping it here. I'm grateful for kind words but prefer to move ahead. Thanks for understanding!


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!