
At the top of the sidebar you'll find a couple of new widgets.

The first offers two subscription opportunities. You can subscribe to this blog by email which means that you'll get email notification of new posts here at A Concord Pastor Comments. Or you can include A Concord Pastor Comments in a reader or aggregator of blogs/sites you visit often. Don't have a reader yet? Time to start one! It's an easy way to check all your regular "stops" without going to each one individually.

Then there's the Followers' widget. Not all regular readers have become official "followers" but you can check out those who have and, I hope, you'll join their number!

Most questions you might have will be easily answered just be clicking on any of the opportunities at the top of the sidebar and clicking doesn't obligate you in any way.


  1. This is great. I have been following your posts in Google reader but it is MUCH more convienient to get the posts via email!

    Kudos for adding it, Thanks!

  2. Hi! Thanks for following my blog! ;)


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!