take a few deep breaths... be still...
and know that God is near...
A word to reflect on:
Teach me, Lord, your way, that I may walk in your truth,
single-hearted and revering your name.
I will praise you with all my heart... Psalm 86
When I make the time, Lord,
to sit in this peaceful silence,
you have my heart and my attention...
Even when I'm a little (or a lot) distracted,
I find myself drawn back to you and my prayer,
again and again...
But the rest of the day
I'm not always so single-hearted...
A hundred things attract and distract me,
turning my head and my heart in different directions
and sometimes leading me away from you
and off the path of your truth...
In the course of a day my heart has many suitors
and some times I'm led down roads
towards places
not meant for me to go,
towards people
not inclined to my best interest,
towards things
not meant for me to have...
A single-hearted love is what you ask of me
- and also what you offer me...
And I know...
my single-hearted love for you
has room aplenty for others whom I love
and who love me
for you are love, my God,
and all who abide in love
abide in you...
In this quiet time with you today,
focus my heart on you
and how you guide me
along the path I walk and follow...
Help me see what is true in my life,
in my choices and decisions;
what is good, and just, and kind;
what is pure and whole and worthy...
Help me see, Lord, the joy that's mine
when I rest with you, talk with you and walk with you...
Help me see the peace I have
when my heart is face to face with yours,
when the truth of your Word shapes my days, my nights
and all I do...
I praise you, Lord, for times when my soul
single-heartedly turns to you
and your heart turns to mine...
Give me peace in this silence, Lord,
and calm my restless heart
until it rests in you...
Here are some tips for praying 10 minutes a day. If you find these daily prayer reminders helpful, please let me know - and share them with others. You'll find an archive of these daily posts here.
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