
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 6/12

Photo by Monica Higgins

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; 
they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
- Marcel Proust

Help me tend your garden, O Lord,
the garden of souls you've made,
entrusted now to all of us
to care for, to nurture and serve...

Let my life be as sunlight for plants,
helping others to sprout, bud and stretch;
let my words be as rain falling gently,
slaking the thirst of the parched...

Let my deeds be good soil for all
to thrive in, to grow and to flourish;
and I'll leave all the pruning to you, Lord,
lest, in haste, I do anyone harm...

Garden my soul, O Lord,
be my light, my grace and my ground;
prune away what I don't really need,
to grow what I need so much...

Be my gardener, O Lord, with your grace,
bring your life to bloom within me;
help me tend your garden wisely,
with the care that I've learned from you...



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