
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 6/11

Help me, Lord!
I chase after foolishness,
following fads
and whatever catches my eye...

I follow the crowd,
the herd and the trend
but too seldom my own common sense...

I go here and there
all over the place,
running circles that have no end...
I waste time and interest
on what has no future
and then lose the day that's at hand...
So, help me, Lord!
Focus my mind,
my thoughts and my heart
on things I should really pursue...
Let no shiny bling,
no brand new iThing,
distract me from what really matters..
Help me follow your lead,
your word and your truth
and guide me along the right path...

Give me a goal,
keep my eyes on the prize
of what brings me true peace and deep joy...


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