
Pocket Prayer for SUNDAY 4/7

Caught in the act of sinning:
that's the story in today's gospel, Lord.

Truth is, Lord,
you catch me in my infidelities -
every time I sin!
No fault of mine escapes your attention,
no sin of mine is hidden from your sight,
no hateful, angry, unjust, impure thought I have
goes without your noticing...

It's not that you're sitting there, watching and waiting,
poised to catch me - no!

It's simply that you're that close to me,
that deep within me,
that faithful in keeping me in your gaze:
no word or thought or deed of mine,
good or bad, selfish or self-giving
falls outside your purview...

So when you catch me in my sins, Lord,
touch me with your mercy,
heal me with your pardon,
bless me with your peace
and restore me, in your eyes,
to the person you made me to be,
the one you love and watch over
24/7/365 and forever...



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