Day after day,
week after week,
year after year, Lord,
I write of your love, your patience, your mercy,
your kindness, your compassion
and your faithful, abiding presence...
I write of these gifts
because I believe in them
and I believe in you
but then comes a week, like the one just past,
when gifts like these fall into my lap,
rise up in my heart,
counsel my thoughts
and bring me your peace...
Your gifts are always there for me, Lord,
but sometimes seem finer and greater
(when I'm more awake and aware!)
when there comes a week, like the one just past,
when your love draws near,
your patience gives me pause,
your mercy cleanses my soul,
your kindness fills my emptiness,
your compassion lifts me up
and your presence brings me peace,
the peace for which I always long...
For the gift of weeks like the one just past
and for the gifts you offer every day
I praise and thank you, Lord:
now help me share what I've received
with those I know and all I meet...
Day After Day, Week After Week
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but then comes a week, like the one just past,
when gifts like these fall into my lap,
rise up in my heart,
counsel my thoughts
and bring me your peace...
Your gifts are always there for me, Lord,
but sometimes seem finer and greater
(when I'm more awake and aware!)
when there comes a week, like the one just past,
when your love draws near,
your patience gives me pause,
your mercy cleanses my soul,
your kindness fills my emptiness,
your compassion lifts me up
and your presence brings me peace,
the peace for which I always long...
For the gift of weeks like the one just past
and for the gifts you offer every day
I praise and thank you, Lord:
now help me share what I've received
with those I know and all I meet...
Day After Day, Week After Week

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