
Monday Morning Offering:

Coffee in the Morning

Thanksgiving's just a few days away, Lord,
and I want to be ready on Thursday
to thank you for all I have,
for all you've given me,
for what I have in abundance:
I want to remember the ways you've helped me
since last Thanksgiving,
just a year ago...

Help me remember, Lord,
all the times when your strength, 
not my own,
got me through the really rough patches...

Help me remember
how, in your faithful love,
you never left me alone...

Help me remember
the gift of your mercy
each and every time I strayed from your grace...

Help me remember
how every time I prayed
you were there to hear me...

Help me remember
how I survived and moved on
past things I thought I’d never get by…

Help me remember
how you stayed by my side
when moving on was hard
and seemed impossible...

Help me remember, Lord,
the people who love and care for me:
family and friends, at work and at school
and in my parish...

Help me remember the most basic gifts:
food and water, warm clothing, a place to live,
safety, liberty and freedom... 

Help me remember
all those who serve and protect me
whose names I don't even know...

Help me remember and be grateful for
my vision, my hearing, my sense of touch
and all the good and beautiful things I experience
through my senses...

Help me remember
what I take for granted
and open my eyes
to blessing and gifts I’ve missed...

Help me remember
that every good gift comes from you, my God:
from your hand to mine,
from your heart to mine, 
all to be shared...

Help me remember and never forget
how many are the reasons
I have for thanking you
and praising you
and thanking you again...

Help me remember this Thursday, Lord,
between the turkey and the football games,
help me remember to thank you
for all the blessings I count as mine...

This morning, Lord, and every day this week
I offer you my thanks and praise,
O loving God, from whom all blessings flow...


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