Today we pray for all families, Lord,
on this feast of the Holy Family
we pray for all kinds of families...
We pray for families of origin,
for nuclear families,
for extended families,
for small families,
for big families,
for blended families,
for young families,
for the church family,
for the world family
for troubled families,
for happy families,
for grieving families,
for close families,
for broken families,
for struggling families,
for poor families,
for homeless families,
for wealthy families,
for two-parent families
for one-parent families,
for LGBTQ-parent families,
for divorced families,
for separated families,
for migrant families,
for refugee families,
for adoptive families,
for foster families,
for inter-faith families,
for growing families,
for immigrant families,
for parish families,
for interracial families,
for families next door,
for his family,
for her family,
for their family,
for our family
for the human family
to be one family,
your family, Lord...
Hold us, help us and heal us, O God,
until we're one family,
children of the Father,
sisters and brothers in Christ,
one in the Spirit, one in faith,
one in hope and one in love...

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