It's not that I don't believe in angels, Lord - I do!
But in all my years I've never met an angel
of the wings-and-halo kind,
a robed but disembodied spirit
sent to bring me peace and light
and messages from you...
I'm sure such angels do exist
and I trust they visit me, Lord,
but of all the angels I have met -
each one was was flesh and bone
and warm blooded just like me...
These angels cross my path, Lord,
almost every day:
they wait for me and walk with me,
listen to and speak with me,
have my back and take my side,
give me counsel, serve as guide
like loyal friends, always there,
ever faithful, ever true...
I do believe in angels, Lord,
so present in the gospel:
the choir who sang in glory
at Christmas long ago;
the one who came to comfort you,
the night before you died;
and the messenger of Easter
who waited by your tomb...
And now and then an angel comes,
sent from you, I'm sure,
who opens wide my eyes and heart
to welcome the appearance of a friend,
an "angel" made of flesh and bone,
warm blooded and embodied,
sent to wait and walk with me,
have my back and take my side,
give me counsel, serve as guide:
a courier of your grace, O Lord,
a messenger of your truth...
Send angels, Lord, to guard me
as I lie awake tonight
and to hover all around me
when at last I fall asleep,
that awake, I might keep watch with you,
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Voice of an Angel by Liam Lawton
When I'm lying in the darkness
And I'm half afraid to sleep
I keep thinking of tomorrow
And the thoughts that lie so deep
Then I pray in talking whispers
Cause I know that somewhere near
Is the presence of an angel
Come to hold me through my fear
And who are you who guides me
My messenger of light
Will you walk beside me now
Beyond the day and night
Who are you who guides me
With words I cannot write
It's the voice of an angel,
The voice of an angel,
The voice of an angel
Come to hold me close this night
Then I close my eyes
And open the window of my heart
For I know that you will listen
Even though I kiss the dark
And as I'm slowly breathing
O the night just lingers on
I hear the voice of an angel
Come to calm me with the song
And who are you who guides me
My messenger of light
Will you walk beside me now
Beyond the day and night
Who are you who guides me
With words I cannot write
It's the voice of an angel,
The voice of an angel,
The voice of an angel
Come to hold me close this night

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