
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 7/10

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Petals and blossoms, floral siblings, bless the Lord!
     Praise and exalt God above all forever!

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Diversity divine in all shapes and colors, bless the Lord!
     Praise and exalt our God above all forever!

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Natural porcelain, exquisitely fragile, bless the Lord!
     Praise and exalt our God above all forever!

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Bees and pollen, honeyed beauty, bless the Lord!
     Praise and exalt our God above all forever!

Every blossom and every petal, Lord, 
every stem and every leaf on flowers 'round the world:
each and every one sure proof of your existence,
your playful spirit, your divine munificence
and the undeserved, unexpected kindness  
that you, Creator of the universe,
should choose to leave bouquets of your presence
in our gardens, along our pathways and scattered
- wildly, randomly and generously - in virgin fields
where none but breezes, birds and bees might ever go...

All things bright and beautiful, bless the Lord!
Praise and exalt our God above all forever! 



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