There's something about the end of day
that opens my mind and heart, Lord,
and brings to my prayerful attention:
those I love
and those I struggle to love...
the needs of those I know
and of many whom I've never met...
memories in need of healing
and hope in need of building up...
regret for things I've done,
remorse for things I've failed to do...
those who long for company
and those in need of solitude...
homeless folks in winter's cold
and those who seek to shelter them...
those deprived of a just, fare share
and those with more than they'll ever need...
a world whose soul is sick with sin
and those who seek to heal with love...
the fears that nighttime often brings,
the light you promise come the dawn...
There's something about the end of day, Lord,
that opens my mind and heart
and draws me close to you in prayer...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us as we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Watch, O Lord by Marty Haugen
Watch , O Lord, with all
those awake this night
Watch, O Lord, with all those who weep;
Watch, O Lord, with all those who weep;
Give your angels and saints
charge over all who sleep
Tend your ailing ones in your love, Lord
Rest your weary ones in your
love, Lord
Bless your dying ones in your love,
O Lord of all.
Soothe your suffering ones in your love, Lord
Heal afflicted ones in your
love, Lord
Shield your joyous ones in
your love, O Lord of all.
Hold your grieving ones in your love, Lord
Raise your fallen ones in your
love, Lord
Mend your broken ones in your
love, O Lord of all.
Guard your little ones in your love, Lord
Guide your searching ones in
your love, Lord
Grant us all your peace in
your love, O Lord of all.

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