Photo by Kris Krueger |
Kris sent me this photo, Lord,
a wise old bird looking down from a lofty perch,
surveying my friend's back yard and, I trust,
ready to share an owl's wisdom
with any and all who might pass by...
I wonder, Lord, if I look up.
right where I am,
might I catch a glimpse of your Spirit,
perched just above,
surveying my life and times
and ready to share with me
the wisdom I need:
to use the brain you gave me,
to listen for the word you speak,
to keep my mouth shut
when I've nothing to say,
to listen before I speak,
to value common sense,
to discern what's fair and just,
to take care in making decisions,
to accept the truth when I find it,
to presume that you, Lord,
know better than I - always...
Actually, Lord, what I really need
is the wisdom to trust, in all times and all places,
that your Spirit is perched in my mind and my heart,
ready with insight and counsel to share,
with knowledge and caution and prudence to spare...
Make me wise enough, Lord,
to know how foolish I can be,
and wise enough to see
how much I just don't understand,
and wise enough to turn to you
when I don't know where to turn...
Perch like an owl, Lord,
in the branches of my mind,
survey the passions of my heart,
my many schemes and dreams,
and with your wisdom,
guide my choices and decisions
and every step I take...
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