It's the first day of spring, Lord,
and that in itself was enough to lift my spirits!
But in addition to the vernal equinox,
whose timing has little to with the particulars of my life,
it was a beautiful day, worthy of spring's debut
and more than that this day was studded with a few surprises:
a wonderful letter for me in the morning mail,
the arrival of an unexpected gift
and the grace of sensing your presence so close
I thought I might reach out and touch you...
So much to be grateful for today, Lord,
so much to look foward to
so much promise in the air, in my prayer,
in my heart and sunshine and fair weather clouds
highlighting the blue above...
Promise, Lord - that was your gift to me today:
the promise of your presence,
the promise of what's yet to come,
of joy I've yet to find, to meet, to know
and to enjoy from head to toe
and deep within my heart...
For all of this I praise you, Lord,
my God from whom all blessings flow...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in the promise of your peace...
Hymn of Promise by Nancy Allen
In the bulb, there is a flower
In the seed, an apple tree
In cocoons, a hidden promise
Butterflies will soon be free
In the cold and snow of winter
There's a spring that waits to be
Unrevealed until its season
Something God alone can see
There's a song in every silence
Seeking word and melody
There's a dawn in every darkness
Bringing hope to you and me
From the past will come the future
What it holds, a mystery
Unrevealed until its season
Something God alone can see
In our end is our beginning
In our time, infinity
In our doubt, there is believing
In our life, eternity
In our death, a resurrection
At the last, a victory
Unrevealed until its season
Something God alone can see
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