Keep me faithful, Lord,
in making time for prayer today...
Send your Spirit to seed my heart
with a desire to be with you,
to spend time with you,
to rest by your side...
Lead me to want to find you,
hang out with you, chill with you,
grab a cup of coffee with you...
I make time to be with my friends, Lord,
help me make time today to rendezvous with you,
to chat with you, my friend, to enjoy your company
and share with you whatever's on my mind,
in my heart, hidden in my soul...
And remind me, Lord,
that you're always there for me,
waiting for me, looking for me,
wanting to spend time with me...
Help me remember
you're always ready to take a break with me,
you're never too busy to stop everything
to take time out to spend with me,
just you and me, Lord, one on one...
Too many days go by
when I think I'm too busy to pray
or get distracted and forget to pray,
or I'm too angry or sad or whatever to pray:
may this day not be one of those days, Lord...
Remind me, Lord:
what keeps me from prayer, Lord,
is often exactly what I need to bring to prayer,
to offer for your mercy and pardon,
your mending and healing,
your grace and your help...
I want to spend time with you today, Lord,
I need to spend time with you today
and the good news is -
you want to spend time with me, too!
So, send your Spirit, Lord,
to seed my heart with a desire to be with you,
to spend time with you, to rest by your side
and find the peace that's yours alone to give
to me, today...
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