When I am consumed by my problems -
stressed out about my life, my family and my job -
I actually convey the belief
that I think the circumstances are more important
than God's command to rejoice always...
Surfing Face Book, Lord,
I came across this quote from Francis Chan
and it stopped me right in my tracks!
I get it, Lord, I understand the meaning
- even all too well!
I so often worry, I'm so often consumed
by just such things and more -
as if you weren't by my side,
as if you didn't hear my prayer,
as if you didn't know my needs,
as if you didn't have my back,
as if you hadn't given your life for love of me,
as if I needed anything more
than your mercy and your love...
You never wish me ill or hard times:
you only desire my healing and peace...
You never lead me to worry and brood:
you always invite me to hope and to trust...
You take no delight in my drooping spirits,
you call, you command me to always rejoice!
Deepen my faith in you, Lord,
lest I ever convey that I count my troubles
beyond your help or your command
to rejoice always, to always rejoice
in your love and in your grace...
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Rejoice in the Lord Always
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