
Monday Morning Offering: 10/11

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

How amazing, Lord, the human heart!
It doesn't take up too much room
- but oh, what it can hold!

My heart holds the breadth and depth
of all the love I've ever known,
of all the love I'll ever share 
and, sadly, the memories
of all the harm I've done...

My heart holds the gift of faith,
the grace that makes me one with you
and makes for you a home
within my soul...

My heart tells the stories of my life:
the ones I know so well, Lord,
and the ones I wish I could forget...

And my heart holds others' stories, shared with me,
carried in safe-keeping, easing others' burdens,
lifting up what weighs them down:
what's heavy on my neighbor's heart
rests lighter on my own...

And my heart holds secrets shared in confidence
in trust that I will reverence what's been shared
and gently hold and guard the whispered words
committed to my care...

My heart fills up with others' tears and sorrows,
their fears, concerns and worries:
my heart holds safe the troubles
others bring and leave on my heart's doorstep...

And then, Lord, my heart swells,
making room for joy that others bring:
their blessings echo in my soul, 
ringing out your grace,
anointing me with peace...

If my small heart holds all this, Lord,
then what must your heart store
in the many rooms you've readied
for us to seek and find our home in you?

I offer you this morning, Lord,
all those I hold within my heart
and those who make a place for me in theirs:
may our hearts find their peace in you
our heart of hearts,
where all are one,
now and ever more...





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