Thanks, Lord, for your patience with me,
even when I'm impatient with you:
when I want (and demand!)
that you do what I want,
that you follow my plan
that you work on my schedule
- instead of yours...
Thanks, Lord, for your attentiveness to my prayer,
especially when, for long periods of time,
I pay you little attention
- except when I want to ask you for a favor...
Thanks, Lord,
for giving me so many second chances
after I've blown so many before
and don't really deserve yet another opportunity
and the grace of a new beginning...
Thanks, Lord,
for loving me, especially when I fail to love
my neighbor,
my colleagues at work
and even members of my own family;
thanks for loving me, Lord,
when I fail to love myself
and, most of all,
when I fail to love and trust in you...
And thanks, Lord,
for bearing with me on that one thing
that bothers me so much:
- be patient with me as I try to let go;
- hear and answer my prayer in my struggle;
- be faithful in helping me work through this;
- and give me, again and again,
the grace to be free of that one thing
that troubles me so much...
And thanks, Lord, for loving me:
with the love that's yours alone to give:
the love from which I came to be,
the love that keeps me going, day to day,
the love for which I am most truly grateful...
Love me, Lord,
with love enough to spare,
with love enough to share with everyone
I know and meet today...
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