Last night I read that one of my childhood friends has died and that brought back memories of the first three good friends in my life... I hadn't stayed close to them over the years, but the memory of them is surprisingly and refreshingly clear and filled with grace...
When my thoughts turn back to childhood, Lord,
I often think of my first three friends:
Lewis, Allen and Bob...
Over the years I've lost touch with them
but memories survive the passing of time
and these old memories are as good as gold...
It's three years ago now that Lewis died
and last night I read of Allen's passing
from this life to life with you, Lord...
I hold them both in prayer now, Lord,
trusting that your arms, open in welcome,
will hold them forever in peace...
For friends and their memory I'm grateful, Lord:
for time together and the love we shared
so early in our lives...
We walk this rocky road together
and our paths all lead to you, Lord,
and to that life that has no end...
Keep me faithful to your path, Lord,
and one day welcome me
to the place where I'll be young again,
with you and all my friends...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep rest in your peace...
Friends Are Friends Forever by Michael W. Smith
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Thanks. This did it Father Austin, sometimes we need help crying, this helped! Ginny Gallant Sidmore