Thanksgiving weekend won't even be over, Lord,
before we're lighting a candle on the Advent wreath
and beginning a new year of grace,
a new year of telling and living again
the mystery of life that's ours in your love...
A new year of grace, Lord:
a fresh start
a clean slate
a second chance!
Sounds good to me, Lord,
sounds like something I need
- and just in time!
Looking back on the year just past
I'm not proud of, or satisfied with,
all I did - or failed to do -
and a new beginning,
in your good graces,
is just what I need in my heart and soul
to get back on track with you...
So, please accept, Lord, a few resolutions,
and keep me faithful to what I pledge
- and to you who are always so faithful to me...
I resolve, in the new year of grace ahead,
to spend more time in prayer every day,
time alone with you, my God,
you who always have time for me...
I resolve, in the new year of grace ahead,
to take the first step in making peace
with someone with whom I'm at odds,
- and with you, too, Lord, in any way
my heart's not yet one with yours...
I resolve, in the new year of grace ahead,
to simplify, simplify, simplify, Lord,
my stuff, my belongings, my schedule and life
to make more room for what's truly worthy
of you, my time, my dreams, my love...
I resolve, in the new year of grace ahead,
to open my heart (and my wallet, too)
in ways more generous than I've ever been;
to reach out and serve those truly in need
'til I feel the pinch of going without
that so many experience every day...
I resolve, in the new year of grace ahead,
to look for, listen to, heed and follow
your Spirit's whispers of wisdom and counsel;
to open my heart to whatever you ask, Lord,
to follow your steps wherever they lead,
to value your word above any other...
These are my resolutions, Lord,
and it could be I've made a few too many
but these are things I need to work on
and in every case I'll need your help:
left to my own devices - I'll fail
but with your grace I can change and grow
in the new year of grace just ahead...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
This Is a Day of New Beginnings by Brian Wren
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