Praying on the night we move our clocks ahead
for Daylight Saving Time
Like Dali's clocks melting away,
losing their power to mark the time,
to order and measure with any precision
the passing of nights and days
so my clock, too, and all too often,
tick-tocks at a snail's pace
tick-tocks at a snail's pace
or races with abandon
past my grip, beyond my grasp
until I lose all sense
of what the hour, the day may be
and I wonder, as I often do,
when my time will be done....
But the persistence of memories, Lord,
roots me in the here and now,
reminding me of what has been
but will not be again...
It's in my memories, Lord,
that time stands still just long enough
for me to thank you
for my graced and gifted past...
And it's my memories, Lord,
that give me hope of minutes, hours, days,
of time still yet to come,
to spend to share, to live, to love...
Be my time keeper, Lord:
save my time from foolish wasting;
make more time for me to pray;
use your time to heal my wounds;
tell me when it's time to change;
keep my step in time with yours;
time after time, forgive my sins;
as time goes by, please let me see
how precious is the time that's mine...
Be the Lord of all my time, Lord,
every minute, every hour,
'til I pass beyond all mortal time
to timelessness with you...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's song is Day By Day - but NOT the one
you know - give a listen to this new musical setting
of the familiar lyrics...
Day By Day by Victor Johnson
Day by day, day by day,
Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray:
to see thee more clearly,
love thee more dearly,
follow thee more nearly,
day by day...
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