
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 3/4

I'm pleased to report, Lord, that I've received an email 
informing me that the Transportation Security Administration 
has reviewed my TSA PreCheck paperwork and has determined 
that I'm eligible to renew my enrollment!

And this email got to wondering, Lord:

    • Do you have a PreCheck program?

    • Do you keep a background file on me?
    • Do you have standards of eligibility?

    • Can anything disqualify me from your PreCheck?
    • What can I do to keep my status?

Well, I think I know the answers, Lord:
You do have a PreCheck program,
            it's called your saving grace;
                membership is always open
                    and its benefits are freely given...

You know all my faults and failings,
            all the secrets of my heart,
               and yet you look on me 
                  with kindness and compassion...
Of course you do have standards:
            that I do what is just, love what is good
               and walk humbly, close by your side... 
When I fail to love you
            or my neighbor or myself,
                I confess my need for your mercy         
                    and you graciously renew my enrollment        
I keep my enrollment active, Lord:
             through praying to you each day,
                staying faithful to your word and your wisdom
                    and generously, joyfully, serving my neighbor...
Lent's a good time, Lord 
    - a whole season -
to remember your PreCheck program,
    your saving grace and mercy,
to review my membership status,
    and renew my commitment to you...




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