
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 3/4

In these wintry, Lenten days, Lord:
I pray for quiet time,
far from the clatter and the clamor...

I pray for wisdom's counsel
to untangle my confusion...

I pray for consolation
to calm my troubled spirits...

I pray for time to finish
all the things I need to do...

I pray my heart will open wide
to serve the poor in need...

I pray for peaceful dreams
to help me make it through the night...

I pray my thoughts be docile,
attentive to your word...

I pray for grace to figure out
what's right from what is wrong...

I pray for friends who love me
when I fail to love myself...

I pray for you to hold my heart
in warm and gentle hands...

I pray for trust and hope
to help me face what lies ahead...

I pray for love to spare,
to share with those who are alone...

I pray for strength to do
what I find hardest to accomplish...

I pray to pardon freely
those who've treated me unfairly...

I pray to know your love for me
when mine for you is wanting...

In these wintry, Lenten days, Lord,
I trust you're by my side...

          And I pray you hear my every prayer,
          whispered, spoken, silent...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep rest in your peace...

Hear My Prayer by Moses Hogan
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O Lord, please hear my prayer; 
In the morning when I rise.  
It's your servant bound for glory. 
O dear Lord, please hear my prayer.  
O Lord, please hear my prayer. 
Keep me safe within your arms.  
It's your servant bound for glory.
O dear Lord, please hear my prayer.  
When my work on earth is done, 
And you come to take me home.  
Just to know I'm bound for glory; 
And to hear You say, "Well done!"  
Done with sin and sorrow. 
Have mercy. Mercy.




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