On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass. Tonight we begin with Jesus' word in the gospel:
"Do not let your hearts be troubled..."
I hear you, Lord, and yet
- my heart is often troubled,
anxious, worried and afraid...
I don't live in the moment
but rather in the past
which I know I cannot change
or in a future plagued by problems
my imagination fears...
Sometimes I'm so troubled
Sometimes I'm so troubled
I fail to see the peace you offer:
the peace that's here and now,
the peace I needn't wait for,
the peace embedded in my faith
the peace I needn't wait for,
the peace embedded in my faith
beneath my cares and my concerns...
My misgivings block the light
that shines with clarity and wisdom;
I get lost within myself, locked in,
My misgivings block the light
that shines with clarity and wisdom;
I get lost within myself, locked in,
afraid to try the door and slow to walk the path
that leads to hope and trust in you...
And so tonight, I pray:
bring my troubled heart your peace...
Set free my troubled heart, Lord,
from all that holds me captive...
Shield my frightened, troubled heart
Shield my frightened, troubled heart
and chase away my anxious fears...
Mend my troubled, broken heart, Lord,
Mend my troubled, broken heart, Lord,
and heal me with your grace...
Soothe my grieving, troubled heart
and gently wipe away my tears away...
Cleanse my troubled, tarnished heart, Lord:
render pure all my desires...
Calm my troubled, angry heart:
root out my hurt and pride and envy...
Hold my troubled heart in yours, Lord
'til my heart's at home in you...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Set Your Troubled Hearts at Rest
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Set your troubled hearts at rest
Set your troubled heart at rest
I have stilled the wildest thunder
I will give you rest
Lay your heavy burdens down
Lay your heavy burdens down
I have come to be your brother
Lay your burdens down
Trust me in your unbelief
Trust me in your unbelief
I have met you in your doubting
Trust me and believe
Set your troubled hearts at rest
Set your troubled hearts at rest
I have made a dwelling for you
I will give you rest
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