The practice of Lent, the living of Lent,
the structure of Lent
is built on three simple verbs:
how did I give, pray and fast today?
how freely did I give, pray and fast today?
how generously did I give, pray and fast today?
what did I give today to help those in need?
what did I pray for today? for whom did I pray today?
from what did I abstain today? how did I go without?
how did my fasting lead me to prayer today
and my prayer lead me to serve the poor?
how will I give, pray and fast tomorrow?
how freely will I give, pray and fast tomorrow?
how generously will I give, pray and fast tomorrow?
how, tomorrow, will my fasting lead me to prayer
and my prayer lead me to serve the poor?
Help me live this holy season, Lord, day by day,
by giving, praying and fasting...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's music is an interesting piece. Composed by Dunsin Oyekan, its simple refrain repeats as a mantra. The recordings I found online are very long, indeed! I have transcribed most but not all of of David Forlu's arrangement in which he interpolates his own prayerful words - but I think those who listen all the way through should have no problem following the song.
More Than A Song by Dunsin Oyekan,
performed by David Forlu
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Receive this living sacrifice
I am your worship
accept this living sacrifice
I am your worship
Who can stand before the Lord?
Those with clean hands and pure heart
so here I am God create in me a clean heart
and renew a right Spirit within me
I want to stay where you are
because you said seek my face
and Lord I say your face will I seek
so don't hide your face from me
I will search for you O God
Here I am today to stay in your house
and I want to stay here all my my days
so receive this Living sacrifice
I am your worship God
just like Mary of Bethany
pour out all my life
pour out all fragrance at your feet
and I say receive, receive
Oh, I am your worship
I am your sacrifice God
I am your worship
I am your sacrifice God
I am your worship darling Jesus
I am your sacrifice oh I am your worship
I am your worship my God my joy
Meet me at the altar with my Father yeah
meet me at the altar with my Father
oh meet me at the the altar with my Father
find me in your presence
meet me at the altar with my Father
with you God, God Lover of my soul
Lover of my soul darling Jesus
Lover of my soul you're the Lover of my soul
Receive this living sacrifice
I am your worship
accept this living sacrifice I am your worship
let it be pleasing let it be pleasing unto you
let it be pleasing let it be pleasing unto you
I want to be a man of righteousness
blamelessness, holiness, purity wholehearted love
so tenderize my heart
more and more and more
Oh I am your sacrifice I am your worship
I am your sacrifice I am your worship
I am your sacrifice God I am your worship
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