
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 3/21

Holy Week doesn't begin until this coming weekend with Palm Sunday - but it's not too early to give Holy Week some prayerful thought.  It's also not too early to check on the times of Holy Week services in your parish (Palm Sunday, perhaps a Penance Service, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday). Holy Week contains the most beautiful liturgies our church celebrates - plan now to participate generously in your community's prayer!

Holy Week is all about your mercy, Lord:
    about how much I need it and how my heart longs
    for the pardon and peace you offer me,
        time and time again...

Holy Week is all about your love, Lord:
    about how much I need it
    and how I so often take for granted 
    the healing your kindness offers me,
         time and time again... 
Holy Week is all about new life, Lord:
    about how much I need it 
    and how I thirst for new beginnings
    and the life your Spirit offers me
        time and time again...

Help me walk this week with you, Lord:
   to your mercy, love and life,
   to Easter's gifts of joy and hope,
   and the peace your rising offers me,
      time and time again...





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