
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 5/12

On Sundays, Night Prayer will take its lead from an element of the day's Mass.  Tonight we turn to a verse in today's second reading from the First Letter of John: 1:16.   

    God is love, 
        and those who remain in love 
            remain in God 
                and God in them... 

It couldn't be any simpler, Lord
- and perhaps that's why I find it so hard to grasp -
but it's right there in the scripture:
    You ARE Love
and so wherever there is love 
    - there you are...
And here's the amazing part, Lord, 
here's the grace, the gift:
    there's love in my brokenness,
    there's  love in my failed efforts,
    there's love in my weakness,
    there's love in my doubt,
    there's love in my mistakes,
    there's love in my resistance,
    there's love in my confusion,
    there's love in my anxiety...
You're in all those places, Lord, 
    you're always by my side,
there's nothing, Lord, can tear me 
    from the love you have for me:
not death, not life, 
nothing present or to come,
no height nor depth nor any creature
can separate me from your love
    for your are love
and while I remain in love 
    and love remains me,
I remain in you, 
    my loving Lord, my God...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


God is Lov by Michael Joncas

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God is love and all who live in love
abide in God and God abides in them.

The love of Christ has gathered us as one
In him let us rejoice, in him let us be glad.
Let us revere and love the living God
With heart and mind and soul now let us love sincerely.

Therefore, as now we gather into one
let discord find no place nor hatred rule our hearts
Let evil deeds and bitter words now cease
that Christ stay in our midst and dwell with us forever.

Then with the saints let us behold your face
alight with glory, Christ, our brother and our God
And may this joy, unbounded and immense
fulfill our hearts' desire through ages without ending. 




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